Adult daycare centers provide care and support for elderly individuals who need assistance or monitoring during the day. They provide relief to family members and caregivers, allowing them to work, run errands or take a break while knowing their loved one is being taken care of. These programs aim to delay or avoid institutionalization by offering alternative care, boosting self-esteem, and promoting socialization.
There are two types of adult day care: social day care and day health care. Social daycare provides social activities, meals, recreation, and some health services. Day health care provides intensive health, therapeutic, and social services for individuals with serious medical conditions and those at risk of nursing home care.
Services may include:
- Counseling
- Education
- Evening care
- Exercise
- Health screening
- Meals
- Medical care
- Physical therapy
- Recreation
- Respite care
- Socialization
- Supervision
- Transportation
- Medication management
Center Operations
Centers typically operate during normal business hours and may be standalone or located in senior centers, nursing homes, faith-based institutions, hospitals, or schools. Staff may manage medications, serve meals, provide physical or occupational therapy, and organize social activities. They may also help with transportation to and from the center.
Finding a Center
After completing the intake process, we will provide a list of locations in your area that meet your needs. It’s important to visit and compare different centers to determine which best meets your needs.
Paying for Services
Costs vary and can range from $25 to over $100 per day, depending on the services offered, reimbursement, and location. Adult daycare is not usually covered by Medicare insurance, but financial assistance may be available through Medi-Cal, Older Americans Act, Veterans Health Administration, or private insurance.
If your loved one does not have a medical need for adult day care, a senior center may be a more affordable option for daytime activities.
Get in Touch
Contact us for more information.